Taoist Sorcery To Bring ( Call )
When a person decides to run away from home is usually due to having a big quarrel at home. The typical case is always between : 1) Husband and wife. Either due to quarrel or one…
Read MoreWhen a person decides to run away from home is usually due to having a big quarrel at home. The typical case is always between : 1) Husband and wife. Either due to quarrel or one…
Read MoreThere are 2 types of Effigies used in Taoist Sorcery, either made with straws or made with Papers. Traditionally, straws are used to create Effigies. Papers Effigies are often used because creating effigies out of…
Origin of the Real Liu Ren Sect – Shang Qing Liu Ren Sect (上清六壬法门) or Old Liu Ren Sect (古六壬派) Founder of Old (Or Original Liu Ren) Sect – Li Bo (李播) Three Liu Ren…
闾山派(Lǘ Shan Sect/Lineage) is a very important Southern Branch of Religious Folk Taoism. The origin of 闾山派(Lǘ Shan Sect/Lineage) was from Fujian (福建) Province in China. It is now very famous in Taiwan and all…
Folks have never heard of Yin Shan Sect/Lineage (阴山派). Even Chinese Singaporeans who watched too much Hong Kong Horror Movies may only hear of Mao-Shan Sect(茅山派). This article will introduce one of the most “Yin” (Negative) Group of…
The White Lotus Sect (Bai Lian Jiao 白莲教) was a millenarian movement with Buddhist traditions that several times in history ignited large-scale popular uprisings against the ruling dynasties. The religious background of the White Lotus…
金英祖师 Master Jin Ying aka Jin Ying Zu Shi (金英祖师), an actual name known as Lin Jin Ying (林金英), born in Ming Dynasty (生于明朝), 24th Day of Lunar 11 Month (农历十一月廿四日). Hometown in China Jiang…
Southern Mao Shan Sect (南传茅山派) is also known as: Mao Shan is also spelled as Mau Shan. * Guang Dong Mao Shan Sect (广东茅山派) * Mao Shan Shen Gong (茅山神功) Take note that it is…
Whenever Chinese Folks think about Chinese Black Magic, the 1st things come to mind is “MAO SHAN PAI” (茅山派) – Mao Shan Sect. Even the Western Folks who have no knowledge in Taoism will also…
Many Western Folks who are interested in Taoism or keen to practice Taoism only know about the philosophical side of Taoism. Most Taoist Books and Information are often written in Chinese. The educated and knowledgeable…